
ESG in the Supply Chain: What Is It and What Should I Do?

Explore the importance of ESG in supply chains and how to implement effective strategies for sustainability and compliance. Discover tools like Relatico's SRM software to automate workflows, manage supplier relationships, and ensure regulatory adherence.
Written by: 
Bernd Neufert

Expert in strategic procurement

June 27, 2024
5 min Read

Picture this:

You're the captain of a mighty ship, navigating the turbulent seas of global commerce.

Your vessel? Your business. Your crew? Your employees and partners. And the treacherous waters? The ever-changing landscape of international trade, consumer expectations, and regulatory demands.

Now, imagine you've just discovered a powerful new tool in your captain's arsenal - a high-tech radar system that not only helps you avoid icebergs but also finds the smoothest, most efficient routes to your destination. That's exactly what Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles can be for your supply chain.

Welcome aboard, Captain. Today, we're embarking on a voyage to explore how ESG can transform your supply chain from a potential liability into your greatest asset. 

In this guide, we'll chart a course through the sometimes murky waters of ESG compliance, revealing how it can streamline your operations, boost your reputation, and even unlock new markets. We'll show you how to turn regulatory challenges into opportunities for innovation and growth.

So, hoist the Sails, and let's set off on this adventure together. By the time we're done, you'll see ESG not as a burden, but as the wind in your sails, propelling your business toward a more sustainable, profitable future.

Ready to navigate the ESG seas? Let's dive in!

ESG 101: The Crash Course

Think of ESG as your business's report card on being a good global citizen. Here's the breakdown:

  1. Environmental: This is all about your company's impact on Mother Earth. Think carbon footprint, water usage, and how much waste you're churning out.

  2. Social: It's not just about hugging trees – it's about people too. How do you treat your employees? What about the workers in your supply chain? Are you making a positive impact in your community?

  3. Governance: This is the boring-but-crucial stuff. It's about how your company makes decisions, follows laws, and plays nice with others in the sandbox of global business.

Why Should You Care About Supply Chain ESG?

Now, you might be thinking, "That's great, but I've got a business to run!" Here's why ESG matters, especially when it comes to your supply chain:

  1. It's Where the Action Is: Your supply chain is often where the biggest environmental and social impacts happen. It's also where you can make the most significant improvements.

  2. The Law Says So: With regulations like the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (try saying that five times fast), ensuring your suppliers are on the up-and-up isn't just nice – it's necessary.

  3. Risk Management: Understanding your supply chain's ESG profile helps you dodge potential PR nightmares, legal headaches, and operational meltdowns.

  4. Competitive Edge: Strong ESG practices can set you apart from the competition, attracting both conscious consumers and top talent.

Your ESG Action Plan: 6 Steps to Success

  1. Set Clear Goals: What do you want to achieve? Less carbon emissions? Fairer labor practices? Better governance? Pick your battles and focus on what matters most to your business.
  2. Map Your Supply Chain: You can't improve what you don't understand. Get a clear picture of your entire supply network – from raw materials to end product.
  3. Create a Killer Supplier Questionnaire: Craft questions that get to the heart of your suppliers' ESG practices. Be specific, be clear, and don't forget to say "please."
  4. Implement ESG Standards: Work with your suppliers to set and maintain ESG standards. This might involve training, monitoring, and maybe a little hand-holding along the way.
  5. Embrace Technology: Use tools like Relatico's SRM software to make your life easier. Automate workflows, centralize data, and get insights that actually mean something.
  6. Build Relationships: ESG isn't a solo sport. Collaborate with your suppliers, industry peers, and even competitors. After all, we're all in this together.

The Do's and Don'ts of Supplier Questionnaires


  • Keep it focused and relevant
  • Structure it logically
  • Be crystal clear in your questions
  • Respect your suppliers' confidentiality


  • Overwhelm with too many questions
  • Forget to follow up and clarify responses
  • Treat it as a one-and-done exercise

Tech to the Rescue: How Relatico Can Help

Imagine if you could automate the whole ESG compliance process, from sending out questionnaires to analyzing responses and flagging risks. Well, with Relatico's SRM software, you can. Here's how it can make your life easier:

  • Automate those tedious workflows
  • Keep all your supplier info in one secure place
  • Quickly spot high-risk suppliers
  • Turn data into actionable insights
  • Stay on top of ever-changing regulations

The Bottom Line:

Yes, tackling ESG in your supply chain might seem like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. But with the right strategy and tools, it's not just doable – it's an opportunity to build a stronger, more sustainable business.

Remember, ESG isn't about ticking boxes or playing nice for the cameras. It's about creating real, lasting change that benefits your business, your suppliers, and the

world we all share. So, finish that coffee, roll up your sleeves, and let's turn those ESG challenges into your next big win.

Ready to take your supply chain ESG to the next level? Relatico's here to help. Get in touch to learn how our SRM software can supercharge your sustainability efforts. Let's make ESG work for you!

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Bernd Neufert
Bernd Neufert
Expert in strategic procurement

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Bernd possesses extensive experience in strategic procurement, shaped by his tenure at Eckes-Granini, Symrise and DuPont de Nemours. Currently, he is focused on sustainable sourcing and supply chains, collaborating with the relatico team to develop practical software solutions. Additionally, Bernd runs his own agricultural business and is involved in supply chain projects globally.